Thursday, March 19, 2020

Movimientos Vanguardistas Espaloes Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Movimientos Vanguardistas Espaloes Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Movimientos Vanguardistas Espaloes Movimiento vanguardista espaol e hispanoamericano Con este nombre se designan los movimientos artsticos y literarios que nacen en el siglo XX, aproximadamente desde 1910 a 1939. Su poca de mximo esplendor es hasta 1920, a partir de 1930 decaen pues el arte se acerca de nuevo a la realidad y se hace social y comprometido polticamente. En la Gaceta Literaria, junio de 1930, Guillermo de Torre da una larga lista con los movimientos de vanguardia: Cubismo Caractersticas generales: Futurismo 1. La existencia de muchos movimientos Expresionismo con una vida efmera, pues la continua Dadasmo experimentacin es la base del arte; sta Ultrasmo trae consigo la fugacidad de las corrientes Ultramodernismo artsticas: algunas apenas influyen pue Creacionismo son modas pasajeras, otras dejan profundas Neorromanticismo huellas. Superrealismo 2. Son europeos, la mayora nacen en Francia, Existencialismo desde all se lanzan los manifiestos, incluso los que tienen otra procedencia. 3. Afectan a las artes en general, y rompen las barreras de las artes y de las letras: msicos, escultores, pintores, escritores, hombres de cine, etc. Se dan cita en la renovacin expresiva, y buscan una nueva unidad, algo similar a lo que ya exista en las artes plsticas con lo gtico y . que el Renacimiento haba fragmentado 4. Desean ser originales, abrir nuevos caminos, crear para el futuro; son la y se oponen con virulencia a las estticas pasadas (Realismo, Naturalismo, Romanticismo, etc.) 5. Su pblico es minoritario, se renen en cafs, se aglutinan en torno a revistas y desde ellas lanzan sus manifiestos; estn alejados del gran pblico, con el paso del tiempo, algunos de sus logros formales y temticos se han acercado a la mayora. I. Cubismo A. poca 1908-1914 Se inicia en Pars como un movimiento propio de la pintura y luego pasa a la literatura. Surge por la necesidad de establecer la correspondencia lrica al hallazgo plstico representado por el cubismo pictrico. B. Caractersticas 1. Esquematismo, quiebra de la realidad. La descompone y forma una nueva realidad imaginada. 2. Literatura sin tema central ni ancdota. 3. Ilogismo voluntario que da libre curso al pensamiento. 4. Deformacin de la realidad por medio de metforas e imgenes desintegrantes. C. Autores importantes Apollinaire, Cendrars, Reverdy, Cocteau y Max Jacob. D. Obras representativas E. Aportacin literaria F. Trozo literario Ahora caminas por Pars muy solo entre la multitud Rebaos de autobuses mugiendo junto a ti ruedan la angustia del temor te aprieta el gaznate como si nunca ms debieras ser ya amado Si vivieras en el tiempo antiguo entraras en un monasterio Tenis vergenza cuando os sorprendis diciendo una oracin Te burlas de ti y como el fuego del infierno tu risa chispea las chispas de tu risa doran el fondo de tu vida Es un cuadro colgado en un sombro museo y a veces vas a mirarla de cerca.. Apollinaire: Zona; traduccin de Jos Mara Valverde II. Futurismo A. poca 1909-1914 Se inicia en Italia con el poeta Filippo T. Marinetti. B. Caractersticas 1. Desprecio al pasado, a lo tradicional, a las academias, a los museos. Amor al presente y al futuro. 2. Amor a la libertad, a la energa, a la vida moderna, la velocidad, la fuerza fsica, las mquinas. 3. Modificacin de la gramtica y supresin de la puntuacin. 4. Desprecio al sentimentalismo. C. Autores importantes 1. Humberto Boccioni 2. Carlo Carr 3. Luigi Rusolo 4. Giacomo Balla 5. Gino Severini 6. Filippo T. Marinetti D. Obras representativas 1. Manifiesto del futurismo (1909) De Filippo T. Marinetti E. Aportacin literaria Es un movimiento subversivo. Proclama su hasto y el cansancio de quienes no soportan el peso de la civilizacin occidental; busca la libertad, huyendo de todos los contenidos ideolgicos y de las representaciones generadas por stos (impresionismo, expresionismo, cubismo); se dirige al mundo de la mecnica y descubre que la vida moderna, en sus aspectos ms dinmicos (principalmente en los avances tecnolgicos), debe constituir un objetivo de atencin primordial. F. Trozo literario Sabed que el esplendor del mundo se ha enriquecido con una belleza nueva: la belleza de la velocidad... Un automvil rugiente, que parece correr sobre la metralla, es ms bello que la Victoria de Samotracia... Cantaremos las grandes multitudes agitadas por el trabajo, la vibracin nocturna de los arsenales bajo sus violentas lunas elctricas. Filippo T. Marinetti: Manifiesto del futurismo (1909) III. Expresionismo A. poca 1910-1925 Surge en Alemania. Abarca aproximadamente quince aos. Sin embargo, los lmites cronolgicos son imprecisos: puede hablarse de un expresionismo temprano desde 1905, y es evidente que influye hasta 1930 en pases como Alemania. B. Caractersticas 1. Reaccin subjetivista contra el impresionismo de los modernistas. 2. Aspira a un

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ashley Pondâ€Biography of a Murder Victim

Ashley Pond- Biography of a Murder Victim Ashley Marie Pond was born on March 1, 1989. Her mother, Lori Davis, was barely 16 at the time, almost a child herself. For the first few years of Ashleys life, she lived with her mother and her mothers high school sweetheart, David Pond. Eventually, the two married, and Ashley viewed David as her father. Childhood Ashley was described as an easy child who could entertain herself and one who adored being hugged. Basically, well-behaved Ashley seemed to live a fairly normal life for a child of parents so young. But then at about the age of nine or ten, Lori Pond divorced David Pond, and Ashleys world changed forever. The Truth About Her Biological Father During the divorce, the couple fought about child-support payments and a  paternity test was administered to determine if Ashley was indeed David Ponds biological daughter. To Ashley’s devastation, it was determined that he was not, but instead, a man named Wesley Roettger was her real father. She Admits to Being Sexually Abused She began to visit her biological father, staying with him on the weekends. It was during this time that friends and family noticed she was growing increasingly sullen and confrontational. She began to resist visiting her father until she finally admitted to her mother that Wesley Roettger had been sexually abusing her. In January 2001, Roettger was indicted on 40 counts of raping and sexually abusing Ashley. He pled no contest to one count and was released. Ward Weaver Enters Her World During the following months, the police were called out to the Pond apartment for various reasons including an allegation that Pond was drunk and neglecting the children. By April 2001, Ashley Pond was spending a lot of time over at the house of a friend, who was the daughter of Ward Weaver. In early spring, a report was made by Linda Virden, Ashleys reading teacher, to Gaffney Lane Elementary principal Chris Mills, that she saw Ward Weaver kiss Ashley on the lips. She Finds Comfort at the Weaver Home According to the Portland Tribune, Ashley spent almost the first half of 2001 with the Weaver family even joining Ward Weaver, his girlfriend, and Weavers daughter on a two-week vacation to California  in late June, early July. The calls to the police about disturbances at the Ponds home continued over the next few months and Ashley spent more and more time with the Weavers. Weaver Is Accused of Sexually Abusing Her In early August, Ashley confided in her reading teacher, Linda Virden, that Ward Weaver was molesting her and threatened to testify against her in her fathers rape trial. Earlier in April she also accused two other men of molesting her  but recanted her statements. Possibly the fear of no one believing her kept her from pursuing charges against Weaver. Paperwork Slips Through the Cracks Once the accusations were made, she stopped going to Weavers house and felt ostracized by Weaver, Weavers daughter, and friends of Weavers daughter. Due to the sloppy handling of the paperwork by county officials regarding Ashleys accusation, Weaver was never investigated or charged with sexually abusing Ashley at that time. Life Begins to Settle Down Throughout the following fall, Ashleys life seemed to settle down. Her grades were improving and she was fighting less with her mother. Some of her bubbly personality seemed to return. As Christmas approached it has been suggested that Ashley and the Weaves had partially renewed their friendship. Ashley Pond is Murdered According to the Portland Tribune, on Jan 9, 2002, Lori Pond heard Ashley say goodbye around 8:15 a.m. as she headed out to catch her school bus at a stop near Weaver’s home. What happened to Ashley after that time is unknown. What is known is that at some point before she died, she consumed possibly as much as five shots of whiskey. On the weekend of August 24-25, the body of Ashley Pond was found inside a barrel buried in a hole in the backyard of Ward Weavers rental home. A concrete slab had been poured over the hole. According to Weavers son, Francis Weaver, his father confessed to him that he killed Ashley Pond, although the exact details of the confession have changed from time to time. On October 4, 2002, Ward Weaver was indicted for the murder of Ashley Pond and of 16 other counts including sex abuse, attempted rape, aggravated murder and abuse of a corpse all of which he pled not guilty. On September 22, 2004, Ward Weaver plead guilty to killing two of his daughters friends then hiding their bodies on his property. He received two life sentences for the deaths of Ashley Pond and ​Miranda Gaddis.